
God the Almighty: Power, Wisdom, Holiness, Love is unavailable, but you can change that!

God is variously portrayed as vulnerable (Jürgen Moltmann, Clark Pinnock), as lover (Norman Pittenger, Ronald Goetz), as friend (Alfred North Whitehead, Sallie McFague) and as empowerer (Rosemary Radford Ruether). Bloesch agrees that many of these proposals have some biblical merit. But what is lacking, he argues, “is a strong affirmation of the holiness and almightiness of God.” In this volume,...

repels. Holiness is not simply the good but the dynamic energy of God that consumes and overwhelms the one who experiences it. “Holiness” is a transmoral term that does not annul the ethical but opens up a new dimension of reality for the seeker after truth. In Israel’s history holiness could be applied to nonpersonal things, places and even pagan gods (cf. Dan 4:8, 9; 5:11). The ground around the burning bush is holy (Ex 3:5) as are the temple (Is 64:11; Jon 2:4; Hab 2:20), days (Ex 20:8; Deut 5:12;
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